Miracle Berry and Spicy Foods
To comprehend the interaction between spicy cuisine and the miraculous fruit, it's essential to first explore how spicy food typically impacts our palate and body.
How Spicy Works
In the realm of peppers and spicy dishes, there exists a key component known as capsaicin. This active ingredient is distributed throughout peppers but is most concentrated in the membrane that surrounds the seeds. When you consume something spicy, your tongue's VR1 receptors transmit signals to your brain, signaling a sense of discomfort or distress. Your body perceives spiciness as a potential threat, activating protective responses. It's worth noting that spiciness isn't a traditional taste but rather a unique sensation or encounter. Normally, your body isn't wired to detect spiciness, but it inadvertently does so through these VR1 receptors, which are primarily designed to detect heat and pain, serving as a safeguard against mouth burns.
Interaction Between Miracle Fruit and Spicy Food
Given that spiciness isn't classified as a conventional flavor, the miracle fruit's influence on it is limited. The receptors responsible for detecting spiciness are not the ones to which Miraculin (the glycoprotein responsible for altering taste) binds.
While foods like jalapenos, chili peppers, and hot sauces may undergo changes in flavor due to the presence of other molecules, capsaicin remains unaffected. Consequently, attempting challenges like the "one chip challenge" or consuming the world's spiciest sauce with miracle fruit is ill-advised. In such cases, you'll likely experience intense discomfort, and it's recommended to have milk on hand to counteract the effects of capsaicin.